Damals - a short dance film
Buildings from our past still occupy real space in our psyche. Even when abandoned, these structures remain filled with the specters of emotions, ideas, and experience. Revisiting a place can transform to an emotional journey into the past; lingering ambiences amplified by our senses of sight and smell. Empty hallways and dusty rooms that somehow remained untouched and neglected over the years can still reverberate with the nostalgic recollection of events. An excitement awakens, one which we’re unable to express but through movement and dance.
We follow a Woman’s journey into the emotional and physical remembrance of her childhood. We shadow her as she breaks into her former high school and tiptoes through deserted hallways leaving footprints in the dust. The classrooms come alive through her movement, her body completely engaged by the recollections of her youth. It is a dance that reanimates the ghosts of former friendships, forgotten fears, and abandoned aspirations.
Premier: Fall 2017
Duration: 5min
Director & Editor: Axel Stasny
Cinematographer: Colin Sonner
Music: COH
Choreographer: Nicole von Arx
Fashion Stylist: Jacob Park
Dancers: Molly Griffin, Maxwell Perkins, Ryan Yamauchi, Andrea Thompson, Nicole von Arx